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Finding the "Truth"

Is there one "truth"? Even if there is, how would you know be able to know for certain that you discovered it? A lot of people who are on spiritual journeys feel a strong urge to discover the "truth" and both the searching and the answer can come in many forms. Is there a way to minimize the time or effort needed to discover what you are yearning for?

In my experience the "truth" cannot be gift-wrapped and given out to any person who seeks it due to the fact that it needs to come from within. You can seek your entire life one ultimate truth to satisfy you, but as long as you are looking solely to others for this wisdom you will never know for certain if it resonates with you or not. Other people can definitely help point you in the right direction (I wouldn't be writing in this blog if that wasn't the case) but they cannot tell you what any particular kernel of wisdom means to you. Only YOU know what is "right" and "wrong" for you and trusting your inner compass can help minimize the time and effort you put into discovering the truth.

One's inner compass is located in their heart center, which can be accessed at any time. Sometimes it can feel painful or difficult to access it if you are experiencing unresolved emotional issues, grief, anger or depression. Healing on an emotional level is integral to be able to "listen" to what the heart knows and allow it to guide you on your path. You are your own best teacher and student--being aware of both roles and how they complement each other in your quest for the truth will help you be aware of what there is to learn.

There could be one truth, there could be many truths, and you might never ever discover what your heart yearns for. There is no one destination for anyone--we are all on a path of discovery, learning and self-awareness. I personally hope I never reach a stage in my life where I feel "done" with growing and learning. There is always more to learn and the more we expand our awareness by going down a path of discovery the more that opens up for us to discover.

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