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The Flow of Money

How does one go about attracting the flow of money into their lives? First of all it's important to look at the nature of money itself. Currency is simply energy that only has power when it is being transferred back and forth between people. It has no other purpose or power. Thus, when we hoard money out of fear of not having enough we are impeding the flow. Conversely, if we spend everything we have and then some (accruing debt) we are also impeding the flow. The only way to ensure that the channels are fully open is to be in a state of balance when it comes to giving and receiving as well as releasing any fears or negative beliefs you have.

A common fear is not having enough. The key to overcoming this fear is to immerse yourself into the flow of life in which the state of harmony and balance feels natural and wonderful. You will know you are in the flow when the sun shining on your skin makes you smile, breathing deeply feels exhilarating, wanting to play and be silly feels natural, and you enjoy a gentle sense of curiosity about life. Living feels effortless, your creative energy is boundless and you are genuinely excited about what each day holds. Once you experience this immersion (or are close to it) you will inevitably realize that money is simply energy that flows back and forth, much like communication, breathing in and out, birth and death and everything in between. We cannot hold onto life nor can we hold onto money. If we try to grip tightly to life or to money then we will experience a a blockage in energy which could very well lead to illness, a lack of energy and/or an imbalance of the flow of money. These little green pieces of paper are meant to be enjoyed, much like life.

Another common issue is believing you don't deserve to have the money you need to be happy and healthy. This often stems from the notion that we need to slave away at our job/career in order to be "deserving" of wealth. While doing so will certainly give you money you are still impeding the flow because you are not immersed into the flow of life. You are essentially believing that you are separate from this flow/harmony, which prevents you from being open to experiencing the optimal exchange of currency in your life. This type of belief also tends to lead to frivolous spending and/or a chronic shortage of funds, not to mention issues like exhaustion and malaise.

Thus, if you'd like to experience an optimal flow of money in your life the key is immersion, which can be obtained through meditation, yoga, tai chi, mind/body/spirit exercises, swimming, walking barefoot in nature and conscious awareness of your fears and negative beliefs in regards to money (the more aware you are the more power you have to change these fears/beliefs). Notice how the thought of money makes you feel--excited, scared, constricted, greedy, needy, etc. then realize you have the power to change how you feel at any time. You are the conscious creator of your life and everything included in it.

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