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The Heart-Centered Path

If there was one path I had to describe as being one that often causes the most accelerated soul growth it would be the heart-centered path. There are many different types of paths to choose from, and there is no right or wrong one. However, in my experience and from my psychic perspective, I see that the heart-centered one is extremely beneficial and has the most concentrated results.

Our hearts are the seats of our souls. This is why it hurts us so much to be rejected by someone we love or to lose a loved one. When we feel lonely this is our heart's way of telling us that we crave companionship. When we smile and feel joyful this is our heart's way of communicating that we are healthy. When we are angry or spiteful, our heart has been wounded and is lashing out due to this unresolved pain. Basically any and every emotion we experience comes from our hearts and is directly in line with our well-being as a whole. We are affected in every way (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) by the state of our hearts, which is why it's so valuable and so powerful to go down the heart-centered path.

How does one go down it? The key is to be aware of and feel whatever emotions we have stored within our hearts. For some this is a long-tedious process, for others, it's fairly simple and easy. It depends on how much emotional pain you've stored and how long you've been avoiding feeling & letting it go. There are many ways to become more in tune with one's heart, but a basic way is meditation. Simply sit in a comfortable position and focus on your heart. Don't pay attention to any thoughts that come up--just let them pass. The more you do this the more you will become aware of the sensation of your heart chakra and what you are holding onto within it. For some people this might bring up old pain that is very difficult for them to face--if that's the case then go slow and don't push yourself too hard. Be respectful of your limits and allow yourself to process the pain at your own pace.

In the long run, the heart-centered path will awaken you to a world of light, compassion and joy. You will feel renewed, hopeful and extraordinary. It is not uncommon to feel childlike, silly or playful. You might want to spontaneously skip down the street due to how good you feel. Giving money, time or energy will most likely feel natural and wonderful to you. The blissful state that comes along with following this path does not mean you will never experience pain or heartache again, but if you stick with the path then it won't be long before you heal and feel joyful again.

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